Monday, June 1, 2009

ASP Meeting Minutes, May 26, 2009

Location: Planning Studio, 3:55 pm

Present: Melissa Owen, Kelly Keenan, Dinah Reed, Ben Serr, Lori Carbary

Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved as read.


Treasurer -
Need clarification of ASP Chapter Advisor for fund transfers. Mentioned that our advisor needs to sign off on spending. ASP funds are being used by Brandon and Beth for the Priest Lake Conference.

Inland Empire Section Rep -
Ben reported on the meeting from April 23. A hike was offered, but there was no interest. A bowling party is scheduled. Ben told them we are interested in volunteer opportunities, so they asked us to let them know more specifically what kind of volunteer opportunities we are considering. Idea themes suggested: Community Development, Learning experiences, Skill building. Ben will report back to them that between all of us, we will donate some volunteer time. There was also a suggestion by Ben that some Brown Bags be held on Riverpoint campus. IES meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at Zola’s at 5:30. All ASP members are welcome to attend.

Fundraising -
Tabled for this meeting.

Blog-Spot -
Many ideas offered:
Link it from the MURP website
Update officers list
Easy access to any kind of application form needed by planning students
Calendar of events – collaborative between undergrads and grads
Photos of merchandise being sold
Skill center:
Advice list for planners (books, authors to read)
Advice list for planners (software experience needed)

Melissa has message into Grace Callahan to talk more about this. ASP Bulletin Board – Melissa will find out more.

Brown Bag Lecture Series -
Dinah will email Jim Falk to get the County Brown Bag Lecture Series

Committees -
Riverpoint/Cheney Connection – Recruitment
Professional Skill Building
Social Activities/Networking

(please think about being on one of these committees – develop a mission for your committee and think of a plan to make it happen)

Tour of Saranac and end of quarter roof-top party
The date is set for June 11 ~ Tour at 4:00, party 5:00-8:30.
ASP will provide grilled food such as hamburgers, chicken patties, chips, condiments, etc.
Bring side dish to pass.

Grant Funding via/Dr. Winchell. Melissa will forward email regarding this. Contact Melissa if you are interested.

June 25
4:00 pm
Zola’s on 1st Avenue

Meeting adjourned @ 5:24 pm.

Respectfully yours,
Dinah Reed, ASP Secretary