Friday, October 24, 2008


ASP Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2008
Location: Planning Studio

Present at meeting:
Beth, Paul, Brandon, Melissa, Dinah, Jesse, Zach, Drew

The meeting began at 3:30 pm. Angie was not present but we have packets for her, which are located in the CEA office. We also need to get paperwork from Skylar regarding his Vice President position. Paul will handle getting these materials.

Reports of Officers:
Brandon Betty, WA APA Rep, reported that he went to the APA State Board Meeting. Next year the conference will be in Vancouver. The Vancouver Conference will be more expensive because of location and facility cost, however, they have agreed to put a cap on the fee for the conference so it will not exceed this years costs ($100 for students or $40 if you submit a poster). They have also decided to put together a structural sponsorship – to be implemented in 2010. They are creating a document called “Livable Washington” and have a committee statewide. If you’re interested in being a part of that committee, contact Jill Sterret at APA. Additionally, there is an online survey regarding topics given at next year’s conference that all APA members are encouraged to fill out.

Zach Lunden, Inland APA Rep, reported that he plans to attend the Inland Empire NW Chapter meeting on Oct. 23. He is on the agenda to discuss getting a gift basket from the Inland Empire NW Chapter for the chili cook off.

Drew Struttman, Treasurer, reported that our current balance is $781.45. We need to represent our club by attending the ASEWU meetings. By doing so, we will be included to receive automatic funding from ASEWU. The meeting schedule is below. Some of us have volunteered our time to attend the November and January meetings. The remaining meetings need volunteers.

November 12th, 2-3 pm, PUB Drew & Angie will attend.
January 14th, 2-3 pm, PUB Melissa & Beth will attend.
February 11th, 2-3 pm, PUB TBD
April 8th, 2-3 pm, PUB TBD
May 13th, 2-3 pm, PUB TBD

If you would like to represent ASP at any of these meetings, please let us know.

Dinah Reed, Secretary, thanked everyone for nominating and making her secretary of ASP.

Paul Knowles, Vice President, reported that he is in good health and is ready to take over as President if necessary.

Beth Mort, President, reported that in her position she has the authority to delegate committees but wants everyone to understand that if they cannot handle workloads, to simply let her know and she will try to handle it in another way.

Chili Cook Off:
Melissa volunteered to contact Coeur d’Alene Brewing Company regarding beer/kegs donations or discounts for the event.

Joe will be the point person w/Rose for the event.

A deadline of Monday, November 3rd has been established for bringing your donations to Rose for the raffle/auction. Once donations are collected, ASP will determine if we will have a raffle or an auction, or a combination of both.

The following establishments will be contacted by students in hopes of getting donations for the chili cook off:

Baby Bar
Rocket Bakery
Davenport Hotel

Brooklyn Deli
Montvale Hotel


Fund Raising Committee:
Paul will be the ASP connection to the fund raising committee. The committee will set $$ goals, set deadlines for events, determine how they are going to ask for money, and determine whom they are going to ask.

Speaker Series:
The idea was raised that in addition to Brown Bag events, we could host a speaker at someone’s home, with potluck, to make a less formal event.

Movie Series:
We would like to implement this idea, movies to consider: The Corporation and The Power of Community. Movie ideas are welcome. Location and times need to be determined. Ideas and suggestions about that are also welcome.

Blog Spot:
Please view the EWU PLANNERS Blogspot for future meeting minutes and other important information!! Feel free to post a blog. Rather than a lot of emailing, we encourage ASP members to communicate through this blog spot.

Next meeting:
Election Party Celebration or Cryfest!
November 4th @ 5:30 pm

Meeting adjourned @ 4:35 pm.

Respectfully yours, Dinah Reed, ASP Secretary

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