Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ASP Meeting Minutes - April 10, 2009

ASP Meeting Minutes – April 10, 2009 ~ Location: Melissa Owen’s home – 8:15 pm

Present: Melissa Owen, Kelly Keenan, Kay Boger, Dinah Reed, Shenelle Simonson, Ben Serr, Stephanie Webb, Lori Carbary

Establishing regular meeting schedule
Request was made that they are at Riverpoint Campus when undergrads are at Riverpoint for class. Preference is to have meetings after class. Time set for the rest of this quarter is the Last Thursday of the month @ 4:00 pm in the planning studio.

Shenelle suggested we could scoop ice cream at Chewelah Days on July 10-12, 2009. We could potentially raise $1,000. Kay also offered to volunteer for the fundraising committee.

Kay has contacted Amy regarding ASP t-shirts. She presently has 30, via Action Sports. Price TBD.

Blog Spot
General consensus is to keep the blog spot so meeting minutes will be posted.

Ben Serr volunteered to attend the April meeting.

Cheney/Riverpoint Student Connection
Establish bulletin boards on both campuses with upcoming conferences, events, etc.

Calendar of Events
Establish and put on blog spot and bulletin boards.

Planning Field Trips
George Dahl and Kelly Keenan will look into this and provide information/suggestions.

Brown Bag Lecture Series
Idea to do “open forum” format at someone’s home w/potluck. Also, look into the County/City agenda.

Volunteer Work as Group
East Central Community Garden – date/time TBD. Habitat for Humanity Day – Kelly will research.

Alternate Rep for Local ASP Rep for Spring quarter
Please let us know if you can be an alternate. Contact Ben Serr at

Lori Carbary voted in as the new Cheney Rep for ASP.

Meeting Adjorned @ 8:50 pm.

Respectfully yours,
Dinah Reed, ASP Secretary

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