Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ASP Meeting Minutes - April 23, 2009

Location: Planning Studio

Present: Melissa Owen, Kelly Keenan, Kay Boger, Dinah Reed, Ben Serr, Stephanie Webb, Lori Carbary

Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved as read.


Kelly needs to go to the bank with Drew to sign over responsibility. He will report next meeting.


Kay reported that we have a book with things to order, such as hoodies and t-shirts. Question is, do we have to pay for things first and be reimbursed, or can we be invoiced so EWU ASP account pays for it? The idea is to have merchandise in the display case window to sell for revenue. Lori mentioned that we should have merchandise available before Fall Quarter.

Idea – look at our alumni that have businesses in town. Ask if we can use their property for an event where we can raise money. Example, car wash.

Browne’s Addition Art Fair – have table advertising ourselves. Dinah will look into this.


Melissa asks we all visit the Blog-Spot between now and next meeting and bring ideas.


We missed the last ASE meeting because it was moved to the week earlier. But we are still in good standing. Next meeting is May 15th (Wednesday), last one for the year. Kay volunteered to go.

ASP Bulletin Board

Melissa talked to Fred who said she should talk to ASE.

Planning Field Trips

Kelly has talked to Habitat for Humanity in Seattle but nothing has been set up yet. For Spokane shifts, shifts are either morning or afternoon. At the beginning of June there is a 2 week event in Spokane called BLITZ BUILD. They build a whole house in 2 weeks. Kelly will contact the coordinator for possible ASP group volunteer opportunity.

Cheney/Riverpoint Student Connection

Everyone bring a person to the meeting next month.

Calendar of Events

Everyone bring ideas for next month. Stephanie suggested a camping trip.

Brown Bag Lecture Series

Melissa will research and report next month.


Tour of Saranac and end of quarter roof-top party
Dinah has contacted Dave Sanders at the Saranac and is trying to establish a date for this.

APA Inland Chapter

Ben will inquire if students other than reps can go to these meetings, and if there are volunteer opportunities.

How to run our meetings

Do we want to run our meetings using Roberts Rules of Order? Do we want to form committees that meet separately and only the committee chair needs to attend the monthly ASP meeting for reporting?

We decided to run our general monthly meeting as close to Robert Rules of Orders as possible.

Our regular meeting will coincide with same night as the Inland Empire APA meeting which meets the 4th Thursday of the month @ Zola’s.


Activities: Lecture Series, Skill building
Calendar of Events / Promotions
Volunteer/Community Participation
Social Activities

Meeting Adjorned @ 5:45 pm.

Respectfully yours,
Dinah Reed, ASP Secretary

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